How to get a quote

Puerto Rico Party Bus has the best deals on party buses in all of Puerto Rico! Our deals absolutely cannot be beat! We don't publish rates on line, but getting a quote over the phone is easy and quick. Just give us a call and we'll ask for a few basic details about your event and then we can give you your quote! See the list below for the information we'll need! Or, if you prefer, send us an email with the information listed below!

If you have any questions about our pricing policies, please don't hesitate to ask! We want you to feel confident about the great deal you're getting so we're happy to answer all of your questions! We're here 24/7 so call us any time to get your quote or ask questions or even just to confirm your reservation!

Some info we'll ask for

1. The date of your event
2. The type of event
3. The number of passengers you'd like to accommodate
4. The time and location of pick-up
5. The time and location of drop-off
6. An idea of where in Puerto Rico you plan to visit, if you know!

Get your quote

Per Day


Per Week


Per Year


